


The Bomar are highly secretive and aggressively defensive of their property and information, and they imposed a series of rigid restrictions on the U.S.S. Voyager's passage through their space in early 2374. In fact, the agreement of passage included the stipulation that the ship was to be submitted for inspection at 17 Bomar checkpoints along the way. Also, the course plotted by the Bomar diplomats was designed to avoid all populated systems and industrial areas, and so was tortuous enough to make the three month journey of traveling completely around Bomar space a viable alternative.

Although secretive, the Bomar are known to maintain relations with other races, specifically regarding trade negotiations. Certainly some of the Bomar secrecy can be attributed to a desire to maintain a strong bargaining position in such negotiations, as non-Bomar ships are specifically forbidden to approach areas of key resources or industry.

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