


El-Aurians, the El-Aurians are an ancient race that has survived the test of time and the Borg. They are exactly like humans physically, but have a lifespan that is at least eight centuries long. They enjoy superior mental abilities with several specific senses being greatly enhanced. The race possesses an unusual sense expanding beyond normal linear space and time. It's suggested that they also have some kind of mind control technique, but this has not yet been proven. El-Aurians are probably most famous for their listening ability.

This race most likely originated on the ancient El-Aurian planet which was was located in unexplored space between the Federation and System J-25, over 7,000 light years away. It is well-documented that the Borg came upon the El-Aurian homeworld and destroyed it mainly for it's technology. Few from the homeworld escaped in transports, but those who did headed for Federation Space. In the 24th century, their El-Aurian descendants have become spread throughout the galaxy as a consequence of that destruction and retain the vast accumulated knowledge of the universe.

El-Aurians have indulged in widespread interstellar space travel since well before the 19th century; another reason that their numbers are scattered so far and wide. An exact number of El-Aurians in our dimension is not known. However, it is estimated that somewhere around 300 or 400 exist in other dimensions, most notably in the Nexus. It seems this place known as the Nexus has no linear timeline or parameters that have limited our universe. Many El-Aurians have left after realizing that the Nexus was not "real". There seems little more to tell about them, due to the fact that they rather listen than speak.



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