


Ferengi emblem

A Ferengi
Military Officer

A Ferengi


The Ferengi are a technologically sophisticated humanoid race that was long a complete mystery to the Federation prior to first contact at the planet Delphi Ardu in 2364. They are extremely sexist, and do not allow their females the honor of clothing - although Ferengi males, often find human females very attractive.

The Ferengi Business Alliance is ruled by the Grand Nagus, whom is renowned to be the best merchant in the Quadrant. They possess a strict code of honor, called the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, which is basically ruthless principles of capitalism to the extreme. These rules, of which there are currently 285, are learned by heart by every Ferengi at a young age.

Because of the unusual four-lobed design of Ferengi brains, not entirely dissimilar to the Dopterians, even Betazoids are unable to read their minds.


Ferengi written language


Shortly after first contact with the Federation, Ferengi entrepreneurs saw new opportunities and quickly assimilated themselves into Federation commerce, as did Quark, a Ferengi whom established a bar at the Bajoran space station Deep Space Nine.

Also, relations between the Ferengi and the other nearby powers, have always been strictly businesslike, since the Ferengi are interested in wealth only, and not territory. Therefore they seldom get themselves involved in long wars, since wars are always costly, but if there is profit in winning a war, and they have a chance of winning, they will gladly go ahead.

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