



A Jem'Hadar

A Jem'Hadar
Special Forces

The Jem'Hadar are a genetically engineered species, created by the Founders in order to protect them. It is encoded into their genes, that the Founders are their "Gods", and that they have to abide by their laws. They are the main, and most feared, soldiers in the Dominion business empire.

Jam'Hadar written language


They are extremely attentive and highly intelligent, and takes pleasure in fighting the enemies of the Dominion. In fact they look forward to any battle, and this makes them the most feared soldiers of the Dominion. Also, if they ever fail in a mission, they take their own lives in shame.

In order to keep their soldiers in submission the Founders have programmed the Jem'Hadar to lack a certain enzyme, which they are addicted to from their birth. They must have this enzyme, called Ketracel White, or they will get ill, and eventually die. Also, to keep the Jem'Hadar from rebelling, there are no women of the species, so natural procreation is impossible.

The Jem'Hadar are often commanded by a Vorta, and they find themselves dominated by them.

The Jem'Hadar uses mainly two types of space ships, a small Attack Craft, and a larger Battle Cruiser.


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