


Kazon Collective EmblemThe KazonThe Kazon Collective were among the first group of aliens encountered by the U.S.S. Voyager in the Delta Quadrant. They are a fiercely aggressive humanoid race of space faring plunderers who have become one of the leading powers in this region of space.

In the region around the Ocampa Homeworld, water is a highly prized commodity, and the Kazon will do almost anything possible to take possession of any they can find.

Training starts at an early age for the Kazon. As soon as a boy is able to protect his younger siblings, he accompanies the warriors. In order to mark the symbolic transition to manhood, the boy is ordered to slay an enemy when the adults consider him ready. Success, or death in the attempt, earns him a sect name. Failure results in his dishonorable execution to warn other children of the price of incompetence. If by any chance a Kazon becomes an outcast, each sect he encounters cuts off one finger.

Kazon written language

The Kazon sects

The Kazon civilization is divided up into approximately eighteen sects (as of Stardate 49005.3), but this number continually changes because of the violent power struggles which take place between the various sects. For the same reason, the volume of space under each sect's jurisdiction also alters. Each sect also has a First Maje, which is similar to a Captain.

The known Kazon sects:

The Kazon-Ogla have an encampment on the surface of the Ocampa Homeworld on the southern continent north of some extinct volcanoes. They keep slaves, including any Ocampa that comes to the surface. The Ogla have declared Voyager as an enemy because Voyager destroyed the Caretakers Array, and thus stopped them misusing the technology. The Ogla have a training ground on the moon Tarok.
Their First Maje is: Jal Haliz, whom took over when Jal Razik died

Maje Culluh

Former Voyager crew-member Seska betrayd and defected to be with the Kazon Nistrom.
Their First Maje is: Jal Culluh (see picture)
One of the many Kazon sects.
Their First Maje is: Jal Lorah
One of the many Kazon sects.
Their First Maje is: Jal Surat
One of the many Kazon sects.
Their First Maje is: Jal Valek
One of the many Kazon sects.
Their First Maje is: Jal Minnis
One of the many Kazon sects.
Their First Maje is: Jal Haron
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