The Ocampa are a peaceful race of subterranean humanoids whose individual life spans are
less then a human decade, and which have lived two miles underground for over 500
generations on the barren fifth planet in their star system in the Alpha Quadrant. Until the
Caretaker died, he protected them and provided for all of their needs.
The Ocampa Homeworld used to be a place of beauty, but then the
planet underwent a terrible environmental disaster for about 500
generations ago. This disaster was caused by the Caretaker, a
being from the race Nacene which are explorers that came from a
distant galaxy. The entire underground facility in which the
Ocampa now lives (see picture to the right) was built by the Caretaker in an effort to
right the wrong he had done. The only water on the planet is found 2 miles underground,
around the Ocampa City. A force field function as a security barrier to prevent anyone from leaving or entering
the City. The Kazon-Ogla have an encampment on the surface, on the southern continent north of some extinct
The Ocampa were known to live for only nine years, but a separate group where taken care of by Suspiria, the female mate of the Caretaker, and is said to be able to live longer - 20 years at the most. They used to be noted for exceptional mental abilities, and is still are able to speak to other Ocampa by the means of telepathy. Kes is an Ocampa.