



A Female

A Male


The Vorta are telekinetic humanoid race, which are genetically engineered or enhanced by the Founders, and they are also the administrative arm of the Gamma Quadrant business power called the Dominion. They are basically the link between the Founders, or the Changelings, and the rest of the Dominion.

In addition, the Vorta are also often in charge whenever the Dominion elite soldiers, the Jem'Hadar, are out on a ruthless mission. In fact, there are usually a Vorta stationed on the Jem'Hadar Attack Crafts along with 42 Jem'Hadar soldiers, and several are believed to be stationed on the larger Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser.

When an important Vorta dies, the Founders simply clone another one, which continues the work of it's predecessor. This is quite in ingenious way of becoming almost immortal. Also they are immune to most poisons, which comes quite in handy when out on a diplomatic mission.

Their telekinetic abilities, enables them to send out a blue glowing sphere, capable of sending someone hurling towards the ground.


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