Lieutenant Phmor
Medical Officer - U.S.S. Katana
Name: Phmor
Date of Birth: unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown(some sort of shape shifter)
Background: History: He was found in Klingon Territory by the USS Victory a Federation ambassador ship. The captian let him come on board and raised him as his own. He spent about 2 years on that vessal and then was accepted into the academy. After he graduated from the academy he joined the USS Victory under the command of the same person. He worked as a Runabout Shuttle Pilot then getting promoted and getting to be the helm officer. He worked there for about 1 year then one day they were under attack and he was about to be found in a room. He began to shapeshift and turned himself into one of them. He made it out but the captian was killed before reinforcments arrived. When he told Starfleet about his power they trained him for undercover operations with Starfleet Intelligence. He did that for a long time but decided he didnt want to do that anymore. Starfleet allowed him to join as a regular crew member of a ship. But he took an oath that we would never use his powers to harm a fellow Starfleet officer.
Interests: Loves holonovels and staring at the stars Searching as much Starfleet files as he can to find out about his past.
Personality: Very nice person. Quite but when you become his friend can be very kind and joyful to be around.