The Ready Rooms


The retreat away from the rigours of the bridge, and a place to conduct the necessary work that comes to a CO and XO, the Ready Room is the private domain of the Commanding and Executive Officers, a place to relax and conduct ship business in privacy.

Unlike many ships of the past the ready rooms of the U.S.S. Katana do not link directly to the bridge. A small corridor separates them, and runs around the bridge, connection both the CO's and XO's ready room, the Briefing Room, turbo lifts and ramps down to the Deck 02. This new system is to allow for the CO and XO private entrance of there respective rooms, and also allow the privacy of crew members who wish to visit their Command Officers without having to pass through the main bridge.

Another alteration is the position of the XO's office. Unlike existing ships, where the XO's office is located on a different deck, the XO can now be reached on Deck 01, his/her private office having been added in a mirror image positions to the CO's.

The updated bridge module of the U.S.S. Katana is a refitted version of the Intrepid Class bridge. The war with the Dominion had stretched resources, as a result Starfleet Engineering has undertaken major salvaging from damaged ships, and decommissioned vessels. It was deemed important to upgrade the existing bridge of the Akira Class to access operating systems quickly and efficiently.

The Diagrammatic examples shown here are representations of the CO's Ready Room. The layout for the XO's ready room is exactly the same, but a mirror image of this.

A modern working environment has been provided, with areas for work, and relaxation. Below we can see the comfortable seating available, with a dramatic view out over the hull of the ship. Like any set of living quarters, a ready room's environmental controls can be set to suite to individual, and decorated according to taste. 


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