Starfleet is the United Federation of Planets' diplomatic, scientific, and defensive agency. Chartered in 2161 with
the signing of the Federation's Constitution, its main objectives are to enhance knowledge of the universe (and on
some occasions, universes), to defend the integrity of the Federation and its members at home and abroad, and to
promote interstellar peace and cooperation.
Starfleet Command is the operating authority over Starfleet. It is based in the city of San Francisco, planet Terra,
but also has facilities on numerous starbases. It directs Starfleet policy, but gives commanding officers far away
from Command outposts broad powers in interpreting and implementing this policy. The most important Starfleet
policy is General Order 1, or the Prime Directive. Starfleet General Orders supersede all others.
Starfleet Academy is Starfleet's officer college. It is based in San Francisco, with campuses on other worlds. The
Academy consists of cadet, medical, law and command schools, its motto being Ex Astris, Scientia, ancient
Terran for "from the stars, knowledge". Starfleet Academy is also responsible for the training of tactical officers
and enlisted personnel. All programs last four years, with the final year being spent serving aboard a starship or
at some other Starfleet facilities. Most cadets, by time they complete their studies, make it to rank of ensign, but
may reach as high as lieutenant.
The Academy is very élite, and acceptance is pending successful completion of the Academy Entrance Exam.
Few who write the exam are accepted; those who show the greatest promise are made Red Squad cadets, the
best of the best.
Perhaps the most visible signs of Starfleet is its fleet of Starships. Many of the Federation's most powerful and
advanced ships bear the prefix U.S.S., designating a Starfleet ship. It should be noted that while there are ships
for defensive, scientific, and diplomatic purposes, Starfleet holds few battleships in its fleet. Exceptions include
the Defiant class ship, designed to respond to a Borg threat in Federation space.
Starfleet's chain of command is based on the military traditions of the British Royal Navy, a strong Terran naval
force from the 14th to the 19th century. Many Starfleet officers, by the end of their careers, make it to
Commander. Those who exhibit great leadership and modesty may proceed to become Flag officers as high as
Fleet Admiral. Among many cadets' models is Captain James T. Kirk, whose voyages aboard the Starship
Enterprise are legendary.
United Federation Of Planets
A confederation of species, mostly humanoid, in the alpha and beta quadrants. The peoples of the Federation are
diverse and numerous. The Federation is the largest known fully democratic state in the galaxy, and pursues a
mandate of peace and goodwill to all races in the universe.
The Federation came to being in 2161, on the planet Babel. The Constitution of the United Federation of Planets
was signed by the planetary governments of Terra, Andoria, Vulcan and many more, to provide a common
defense against the threat of attack from the Romulan Star Empire. This constitution provided for freedoms and
liberties for all races, a representative democratic government with universal sufferage, and established
Starfleet, a government agency to represent and defend the Federation, and to learn more about the galaxy and
universe in which we live.
There is no one Federation culture. Some races, such as the Vulcans, have a unified society, religion, and cultural
base. Humans, however, are unified as a people, but still hold different cultural values. There are nearly 150
member-planets in the Federation, creating a mosaic of cultures and traditions, bound together by their common
interests: peace, order, liberty, and the pursuit of knowledge.
The members of the United Federation of Planets are represented in its government. Government is divided into
three domains: legislative, executive and judiciary. The Federation Council, composed of representatives of
every member, drafts and passes laws for the Federation. The Council is headed by a President, who oversees
the administration of the law represents the Federation in foreign affairs. The judicial system judges and punishes
those who've broken laws and treaties with foreign nations, on the assumption that a defendant is innocent until
proven guilty.
But despite the great power vested in the government, it is limited by itself. The Federation's charter contains
Guarantees of individual freedoms which no Federation law may supersede. These rights are further
complemented by planetary laws, such as the Vulcan Bill of Rights. Citizens' rights before a tribunal are framed
in a Uniform Code of Justice, protecting them from unfair trials.
The Federation Council sits in San Francisco, on planet Terra. The President's office is in the city of Paris, also
on Terra.
While the Federation is of a peaceful nature, its history is tainted with conflict. Until very recently, the Romulans
have remained an everlasting threat. In 2218, first contact was made with a warrior nation, the Klingon Empire.
Poor relations in their early days led to nearly half a century of violence, until the Organian Treaty of 2267,
followed by the Khitomer Conference of 2293. In the 2350's, war broke out between the Federation and the
Cardassian Union, which lasted till a cease-fire and eventually a treaty in 2366 - but even then, hostilities
continued for years.
The threat to the Federation's sovereignty continued when first contact was established with the Borg, a
collective of technologically-advanced humanoids who wish to assimilate all peoples and bring order to the
galaxy. Another power, the Dominion, claims to be establishing a new order in the alpha quadrant, through a
wormhole discovered near Deep Space Nine. The Dominion's threat as of late has increased with an alliance with
the Cardassians, but has also strengthened ties between the Federation, the Klingons, and now the Romulans.