Chief Tactical and Security Officer

Ensign John Blaze 



The Katana, unlike some ship's, consists of a Security and Tactical Department, however the two Department's are commanded by the same Chief and Asst. This does not however mean that the two Departments are no longer separate. The duties performed by the individual Security and Tactical Officer's/NCO's, are still the same. Simply this means a more streamline system of organisation can be achieved by having the same Department Head. The two Chief NCO's, Chief Master-At-Arms (Security) and Chief Gunner's Mate (Tactical) are vital in supervising the individual Department operation's, and co-ordinating with the Officer's in charge.

Security-Tactical Department's are concerned mainly with the internal safety and  the safety of the Starship itself. External affairs such as away teams and armed attacks by personnel are mainly handled by the Marine. However crossovers in operations and function do occur and allow a co-operative unit to form.

The Security Department is located on deck 15, along with the Marine Department who also share the deck. Tactical is however located on deck 5. This is intentionally so to prevent the loss of all operations H.Q's in the event of ship emergency's that renders either the Security or Tactical Department useless.



The Combined Department's are run from there respective Department Office's, however the Chief Security-Tactical Officer, and the Deputy of Security-Tactical can be found in the Security Department.

The Chief  Security-Tactical Officer's, (CST) Office consists of computerised access consoles for logging daily activities, analyzing evidence and studying details of cases. This is similarly mirrored in the side office of the Deputy and Master At Arms office.

Security has access to a number of additional facilities to assist in the safety of the ship. These including the forensic lab, (a less equipped version of that located on the medical deck), the main weapons store (with numerous smaller stores located about the ship), Interview rooms, 5 brig's (each consisting of two holding cells), stores, and two specialised holodeck's for phaser range/target practice and other activist required by the Security Forces.

Access to all corridors within the Security/Marine Deck are regulated by patrolmen, and secure force fields. All Security/Marine/Tactical personnel have access, with restrictions only on clearance. All other member's of the crew only have access on approval or correct clearance.

A separate protected storage computer is also housed in the security deck. Whilst access to this computer is limited to only consoles within security, all interface's can access the main computer system's of the ship  through deep encrypted data links. This is to minimise the chance of theft and sabotage. Similar units can be found in all Departments for a number of different reasons. 



Tactical houses a secondary set of offices for the CST and DST, however these Office's are left for emergency purposes' only. The Chief Gunner's Mate, Tactical Support, Planning and Intelligence Office's can all be found here. Access to the Stellar Cartography Bay can also be easily obtained on deck 6.

A dedicated tactical conference and planning room can also be found here. Other facilities such as holosuites for training and data analysis are provided by different Department's.

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