USS Katana Shuttlebay with Type 6 Shuttles
Flight decks date back to the Mid and Late 20th Century. Fighter craft were launched from those early flight decks, and now in the 24th Century, Starfleet uses the same method of launching its Shuttlecraft, and runabouts. Even though it may be an ages old, the technique is still used in modern launch and recovery of craft.
The Akira Class is equipped with three major shuttle bays, located at the Aft. One is the Main shuttlebay, and the other two are secondary shuttlebays. The decks that are used for this span from Deck 11 to Deck 13.
There are altogether, 18 Shuttle Craft Aboard the Katana.
2 Danube Class Runabouts
1 Talon Class Scout Ship
8 Type 6 Shuttlecraft
3 Type 8 Shuttlecraft
4 Type 9 Shuttlecraft
Below are the Stats of Different Crafts that are carried aboard the Katana.
Katana's Compliment of Space Craft
Type 6 Shuttlecraft
No Information Provided at this Time
Type 8 Shuttlecraft
Height: 2.7 meters
Length: 6 meters
Width: 4.4 meters
Cruising: Warp 2.6
Max. Cruising: Warp 3
Maximum Rated Speed: Warp 3.2 for 48 hours, Warp 4 for 36 hours in refitted model.
Max. Capacity: 2 flight crew, w/6 passengers in standard mode, 2 in diplomatic mode.
Weapons: Normally none, but 2x Type V Phasers on special operations models, total output 200 TeraWatts.
Type 9 Shuttlecraft
Height: 2.95 meters
Length: 9.17 meters
Width: 3.8 meters
Cruising: Warp 5
Max. Cruising Speed: Warp 5.4
Maximum Rated Speed: Warp 5.8 for 3 hours.
Max. Capacity: 1 or 2, plus 2 passengers.
Weapons: 2x Type IV Phaser Arrays, 1x Type IV Phaser emitter, total phaser output 200 TeraWatts.
Combat Fighter Craft
There are three types of fighter craft attached to the USS Katana. These craft are considered Most Secret and very little detail is supplied.
They are the Osprey, the Perigrin and the Phantom.